September 2023

September 28, 2023

The Duke Ultrasound group attended the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2023 this month in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Derek Chan delivered a talk entitled "3-D Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Imaging for Targeted Biopsy of Prostate Cancer: Demonstration of Clinical Feasibility and Utility" which provided a detailed overview of a clinical study in which ARFI Imaging was compared to MRI and systematic sampling for Prostate Cancer tumors detection.

Dr. Kathy Nightingale presented a talk on behalf of lab member Dr. Courtney Trutna-Paley, whos work was entitled "Effect of Knee Flexion on 3D Shear Wave Propagation in in Vivo vastus lateralis." Courtney's presentation focused on the observed relationship between knee flexion angle in the imaged patient to an increase in shear wave speed anisotropy along versus across the direction of muscle fibers in the vastus lateralis (VL). This data was collected in a healthy volunteer study.

Dr. Felix Jin also presented a talk entitled "Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Modeling Acoustic Radiation force-Induced Shear Wave Propagation and the Reconstruction of Material Parameters from Observations," which centered around the application of PINNs in Shear Wave Elastography, of which include the prediction of wave propagation in ITI materials and the derivation of material parameters such as shear modulus, and coefficient of anisotropy from synthetic datasets.

Matthew Huber from the Gregg Trahey lab delivered a presentation on his poster entitled "Adaptive Acoustic Power and Frequency Adjustment in Color Doppler Imaging" in which he discusses his simulation work to adaptively tweak and tune clinical scanner parameters to achieve better quality images. Parameters for tuning include temporal Color Doppler SNR and other imaging parameters. Congratulations Dr. Chan and Matthew!

Pictures from the conference as well as some sights from Montreal! Courtney, Kathy, Felix not pictured

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