October 2022

October 19, 2022

Updates from the Duke Ultrasound Group regarding their presentations at IEEE IUS 2022:

Derek Chan gave a lecture entitled "Screening and Image-Guided Targeted Biopsy of Prostate Cancer Using 3D Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Imaging." Courtney Trutna Paley gave two lectures titled "On the Correlation Between Knee Flexion and 3D Shear Wave Speed and Amplitude in In Vivo Vastus Lateralis" and "3D SWEI Improves Precision over 2D SWEI Both ALong and Across Fibers in Healthy In Vivo Skeletal Muscle Measurements". Anna Knight presented her poster entitled "Factors Affecting SV Mode Shear Wave Propagation in Elastic, Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Materials in Both 2D and 3D Using Ultrasonic Rotational 3D SWEI."

Felix Jin delivered a lecture entitled "Modeling Shear Wave Propagation in an Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Material Using Physics Informed Neural Networks" and presented a poster titled "An Open-Source Radon-Transform Shear Wave Speed Speed Estimator with masking Functionality to Isolate Different Shear-Wave Modes." Matthew Huber also gave a lecture titled "An Adaptive Acoustic Ouput Selection Method Feasible for Implementation on Existing Systems" and presented a poster titled "Human Observer Sensitivity to Temporal Noise in Ultrasound Imaging."

Here are some snapshots of the presentations and subsequent adventures in Italy!
