August 2016

August 5, 2016

  • A paper authored by Yufeng Deng, Ned Rouze, Mark Palmeri, and Kathryn Nightingale, On System-Dependent Sources of Uncertainty and Bias in Ultrasonic Quantitative Shear-Wave Imaging was recognized as an IEEE TUFFC Editor's selection.  A full list of the selections can be found:
  • Congratulations to Cody for his acceptance into the Medical Imaging Training Program (MITP).  Also congratulations to Bofeng on winning a 2nd year fellowship and Anna for her 2nd year on the McElhaney fellowship.  All have received full funding for the next year!
  • Congratulations to Tamma Ketsiri for having her poster on Ultrasonic Shear Wave Imaging of the Median Nerve accepted for presentation at the 2016 BMES annual meeting!